Poster reproduction "The Milkmaid" by Jan Vermeer
Poster reproduction by Jan Vermeer "The Milkmaid"
The price is for a poster without a frame.
Properly selected decorative elements not only perfectly complement empty walls, but also add character to the owner of the apartment. When wondering where it is best to place paintings in our home, we suggest that places such as the space above the sofa, chest of drawers or even the bed are considered to be one of the best places. If you are looking for an interesting and timeless painting, we recommend a reproduction of a painting belonging to the group of works by Jan Vermeer, created in the late 1650s, and more specifically "The Milkmaid". A work created in oil on canvas will be a real masterpiece in your home!
The price is for a poster without a frame.
Due to the different sizes of posters offered, reproductions may not maintain the proportions of the artist's original work. All reproductions available in our offer are scaled appropriately to present the most important part of the image. If you want a specific part, add a comment to your order!
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