Poster reproduction of "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci
Poster reproduction by Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa"
The price is for a poster without a frame.
It is said that a painting can take over the interior. This sentence perfectly shows what a huge impact these types of accessories have on our home spaces. If you think that your apartment is boring and the whole thing looks sad and unnatural, we recommend one of the best solutions for such situations - buying a painting. Our proposal is a reproduction of the still admired "Mona Lisa", an oil painting created on a poplar board by the world-famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. This work is an extremely mysterious, dark color complement to even the most demanding surfaces, adding variety to the empty walls of the room.
The price is for a poster without a frame.
Due to the different sizes of posters offered, reproductions may not maintain the proportions of the artist's original work. All reproductions available in our offer are scaled appropriately to present the most important part of the image. If you want a specific part, add a comment to your order!
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